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2021 Tech Trends

This year’s report identifies six key trends that will help an organization absorb the impact of change and adapt to the new market scenario. To gain insights on the...
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2021 Tech Trends Report – Executive Brief

An overview of the six key trends that will help you absorb disruption and adapt to change.

2021 Tech Trends Report – The Six Trends

Learn in-depth about the six key trends that will help you absorb disruption and adapt to change.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 4: Distributed Autonomous Organizations

Collaborating without a central hub and taking control over the workday.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 5: Self-Sovereign Cloud

Balancing the capabilities of the public cloud with the control and privacy of on-premises infrastructure.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 6: Digital Sustainability

Using digital technologies such as software and machine learning to drive emission reduction and cost efficiency.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 1: Machine Learning by Design

Harnessing machine learning as a core piece of the organization’s value proposition.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 2: Citizen Development 2.0

Enabling nontechnical contributors to use and create AI combined with low-code and no-code environments.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 3: Venture Architecture

Developing and launching innovative new technology ventures from within.

2021 Tech Trends Report – Trend 4 Podcast: How will we work with AI in 2035?

Interview with Timothy Minahan, EVP Strategy and CMO, Citrix
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