Tagged - machine learning

Select Your Generative AI Vendor Storyboard

This research walks you through vendor selection factors and considerations as you prepare your teams to begin your vendor procurement process.

Select Your Generative AI Vendor

The generative AI marketplace is constantly evolving with the development of new algorithms, structures and frameworks and emergence of new and commercial AI players. The...

Generative AI Vendor Selection Criteria Workbook

Use this tool to document the key factors to consider in the scoring and comparison of prospective vendors and tools. It also contains a canvas to identify the problems,...

Generative AI: Market Primer Storyboard

This market primer for generative AI will help you contextualize the marketspace and prepare for Gen AI selection. Learn what components of Gen AI an organization should...

Generative AI: Market Primer

This market primer for generative AI will help you contextualize the marketspace and prepare for generative AI selection. Learn what components of generative AI an...
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Business Process Automation Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool is leveraged as part of Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy to help you evaluate the maturity of your BPA practice.

Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy – Phases 1-4

Use this research to build the case to mature and scale your BPA practice and tooling, select the right opportunities, and assess your BPA maturity.

Business Process Automation Strategy Template

This template is leveraged as part of Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy to hep you document your business process automation strategy.

Develop Your Value-First Business Process Automation Strategy

As industries evolve and adopt more tools and technologies, their business operating models become more complex. Task- and desktop-based automation are often not enough....
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OT Statement of Business Context Template

A tool to help guide the OT redesign.
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