Tagged - user experience testing

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint

Design, build, test, and iterate your innovative ideas in four days or less by applying design thinking, rapid iteration, and user experience testing.
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Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Executive Brief

This executive brief will help you understand what a design sprint is meant to accomplish and whether or not it is right for your innovative project.

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Days 1-4

This storyboard will help you and your team design, build, test, and iterate prototypes that solve real business needs.

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Day 1: Understand and Ideate

This phase of the blueprint, Understand and Ideate, will help you define the problem and start ideating potential solutions.

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Day 2: Divide and Conquer

This phase of the blueprint, Divide and Conquer, will help you split off into prototyping teams to build and test first-iteration prototypes.

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Day 3: Unite and Integrate

This phase of the blueprint, Unite and Integrate, will help you integrate the best ideas from the first iterations and come up with a team solution to the problem.

Prototype One Pager

Use this template to create a one-pager that summarizes your prototyping results and helps you build a budget pitch.

Prototype With an Innovation Design Sprint – Day 4: Build and Sell

This phase of the blueprint, Build and Sell, will help you build and test the team’s integrated prototype, decide on next steps, and come up with a pitch to sell the...

Apply Design Thinking to Build Empathy With the Business

IT often manages stakeholders who don’t know how to articulate what they want. Requirements often say what the business needs, but rarely does discussion about the...
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Apply Design Thinking to Build Empathy With the Business – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief follow our methodology of discovering the hidden needs of the business and developing solutions that solve business problems.
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